Monday, December 3, 2007


Rumor has it that The Jacksons (as opposed to The Jackson 5) are going to reunite. That's pretty wild. Obviously all those guys, including Michael, are hurting for money. Still, it will be interesting to see how this works out. The Jackson 5 (and later The Jacksons) made some great music - I have the pictured album, ABC, on vinyl, and it's pretty great. Still, this is essntially a boy group reuniting. And of course, if Michael is there (and no one will care about it if he isn't) he's got to do some of his solo classics - and he has way more solo hits than he had with his brothers.

There's also news that he's re-releasing Thriller. Bad move I think: even though he's having some of the hottest producers like Kanye West and remix tracks, it just feels desperate. Although I am interested to hear what his new album will be like. I hear he's working with that could actually be good. One of Michael's big problems is that he's never been OK with not being huge. All of his superstar peers like Springsteen, Madonna and Prince have, at some point, accepted that they won't ever be as big as they were in 1984. Michael's never been able to swallow that, and because of it, he comes off as desperate. I'm not at all interested in the tabloid aspect of his life. But if he could do a few new songs that are as good as the better moments on Dangerous (like "Black Or White"), that'd be pretty cool.

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